Monday, April 15, 2013

Post, Tweet, Snap, Stop.

I am no stranger to social media, and in fact I have accounts to most of the major social media sites. The thing about social media is that it can be a good moderation.

Everyday I see girls and guys in class snap-chatting (which includes making ridiculous faces into their crotches...yeah its pretty easy to pick out you guys) as well as sneaking their phones under the desk to let out one not-so-desperate-tweet halfway through Spanish, only to be seen minutes later by the teachers who have the same social media accounts that we do. And perhaps what is most troubling is the way that we allow these parasitic sites to destroy time with God.

I am blessed to go to a school were we have in-school chapel three times a week. The speakers are up and everyone's heads are down...but they aren't praying. They are checking up on the social media sites during a time they don't find important. And this is the time where the WORD OF GOD of is delivered to us. So what is the solution to this problem? It isn't as clear cut as you may think.

The main verse I find guidance in for this issue is found in Psalm 19: "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight" So....what are our hearts saying? Is it screaming: FOLLOWERS! Or is it screaming I AM A FOLLOWER of Christ? Is it telling the world that you just posted to instagram or is it telling the whole world about our amazing God? Is it concerned with meaningless "likes" or is it putting Christ on the throne in our hearts?

Food for thought, especially in the wake of the Boston bombings. Pray for them, don't post about it. Focus on Christ, and don't let the meaningless social network realm influence you away from our Heavenly Father, the Father of Lights.

(P.S. I don't discourage using social media, just know the difference between a healthy use for God's Kingdom and an obsession that turns it into an idol.)

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